The PTSA is excited to help get the word out about Gibson Ek's Family Engagement Night this year. You won't want to miss this event. The school has planned a great night for everyone with lots of opportunities to learn more about how our school "ticks" on the inside. We'll let their flyer speak for itself  (CLICK HERE!) <<--- Really, you don't want to miss it. (Note: our website is particularly bad at embedding PDFs - that's why we're linking it, but really, click up there.) 

The basics: Thursday, September 21st, 6:00 PM to 7:45 PM at the school

The details: CLICK HERE!



Parent After-Social 

After you're done at Family Engagement Night, we invite parents to join us at the Big Picture Theater for a casual get-together to continue the conversations started at this evening's event, or at the Parent Welcome Night a couple of weeks before. We want to continue to build connections, ask and answer questions, and create a community in which everyone can feel like they know where, when, how (and whether) to get involved.

The basics: Immediately After Family Engagement Night, 35 W Sunset Way, Issaquah, WA 98027

There is a lot of "trust the process" involved in Gibson Ek. As parents, the more we know, the easier it is to trust that process. We'll be gathering parent-to-parent questions for another event - because you can't get enough of us - on October 19th.