Proposed 2024-2025 Standing Rules

To be approved by the Membership on June 3rd 2024.



  1. The name of this local PTSA is Gibson Ek PTSA. It was chartered on June 2nd, 2016. Its local PTSA number is 2.6.60.
  2. This PTSA serves the children in the Gibson Ek High School community which includes the residences and businesses in the Issaquah School District enrollment area.



  1. This PTSA was incorporated on 6/8/16  and assigned UBI 604-005-726. The treasurer is responsible for filing the annual corporation report. The Employer Identification Number (EIN) is located in the legal documents binder in the custody of the president and/or secretary.
  2. This PTSA is registered under the Charitable Solicitations Act. The treasurer is responsible for filing the annual registration by May 31 to avoid penalties.
  3. This PTSA was granted tax-exempt status under section 501 (c)3 of the internal revenue code on 08/18/2016. A copy of the letter of determination is filed in the legal documents binder maintained by the president.
  4. The treasurer, with assistance from the immediate past treasurer, is responsible for filing IRS Form 990, Form 990 EZ, or Form 990-N prior to November 15. Copies of the current and past years’ returns are located in the legal documents binders maintained by the treasurer and president.
  5. The Gibson Ek PTSA has designated the Washington State PTSA as its registered agent with the Washington Secretary of State’s office, the Washington Department of Revenue, and the United States Internal Revenue Service. Copies of the signed documents making such designation are available in the legal document binder maintained by the president.



  1. Membership at this PTSA shall be open to all people without discrimination. Membership is open to all parents, teachers, staff, grandparents, guardians, students, community members, and any other persons who support and encourage the purpose of PTSA.
  2. Students of Gibson Ek High School may join this PTSA. Student members are entitled to voice and vote; however students under the age of 18 are not allowed to hold elected positions within the PTSA.
  3. Students who are eighteen years of age or older may hold elected positions at Gibson Ek High school; students under age eighteen may join this PTSA and are entitled to a voice and vote.
  4. The dues for this PTSA shall not exceed $40.00 for a family membership, for up to two people; $15 per staff membership, $15 per student membership, and $15 per community supporter membership, per year. All paid members have a voice and vote at Gibson Ek PTSA membership meetings.



  1. The elected officers of this PTSA shall be president, secretary, and treasurer. The role of vice-president shall be optional.
  2. Any elected position may be held jointly by two people. Each co-position holder shall be entitled to voice and vote at the board of directors meetings. In the event of co-treasurers, one treasurer can NOT be a signer on the bank account.


Board of Directors

  1. The board of directors of this PTSA shall consist of the elected officers and the chairs of the standing committees as deemed necessary by the executive committee. Non-elected officers are appointed by the president with the approval of the executive committee. This PTSA’s board of directors will meet monthly on a date and time to be determined by the board.


Standards of Affiliation Agreement

  1. Our PTSA will annually review, complete, sign, and submit all required WSPTSA Standards of Affiliation documentation by the required deadline.



  1. Our PTSA will ensure that each executive committee officer attends a minimum of one WSPTSA-approved training opportunity during the PTSA year. Further, at least one member of the executive committee will attend PTSA and the Law during the PTSA year.



  1. There shall be at least one annual meeting of the members to be held at a time and place fixed by the board of directors for the purpose of conducting business. Adoption of the budget, adoption of standing rules, election of the nominating committee, report of the financial review committee, and election of officers shall take place at a membership meeting. Written notice of the place, day and time of the meetings shall be delivered not less than ten (10) nor more than fifty (50) days prior to the date of the meeting to each member. At least 10 members must be present in order to conduct business. If it is determined by the Executive Committee that agenda items are minimal and a meeting is not necessary, the Executive Committee may agree to cancel the Board meeting for that month.
  2. A special meeting of the members may be held at a time and place fixed by the board of directors for the purpose of conducting business. Written notice of the place, day, and time of the meetings shall be delivered not less than five days prior to the date of the meeting to each member via email. The email address used for notification shall be that indicated on the yearly membership form.
  3. There shall be a minimum of one board of directors meeting per month. Meeting dates and times shall be set by the executive committee. Written notice of the place, day and time of the meetings shall be delivered not less than ten nor more than fifty days prior to the date of the meeting to each member. Quorum for meetings is a majority of the sitting board.
  4. A special meeting of the board of directors may be held at a time and place fixed by the board of directors for the purpose of conducting business. Written notice of the place, day, and time of the meetings shall be delivered not less than five days prior to the date of the meeting to each board member via email. The email address used for notification shall be that recorded on the board of directors’ roster.



  1. This PTSA shall approve its annual operating budget in the spring of each year. The board of directors may reallocate funds budgeted for one purpose to another purpose by a majority vote, in an amount that does not exceed $500.
  2. The PTSA shall conduct a financial review of its books and records by the end of March to review the financial records for July through December.  This is in addition to the required financial review at the close of the fiscal year. Records shall be submitted for review no later than 30 days after the end of the fiscal year. 
  3. The PTSA shall establish one or more accounts in financial institutions as determined by the board of directors. Any such account shall require the signatures of at least two elected officers to make a withdrawal.
  4. The board of directors shall determine which officers shall have signing authority on the PTSA bank account.
  5. The PTSA shall allow online banking within the rules and guidelines established by WSPTSA policy and the board of directors.
  6. The PTSA’s monthly bank account statements shall be provided unopened to a person appointed by the board of directors. Such person will be appointed by the board at the beginning of the fiscal year, and shall not be a signer on the account. The reviewer shall promptly report any concerns or discrepancies identified in the review to the executive committee. If there are no concerns or apparent discrepancies, the reviewer shall initial and date the account statements and provide them to the treasurer.
  7. All reimbursement requests for authorized expenses must include a receipt and be submitted to the treasurer within 90 days of purchase. All requests for reimbursement must be received by June 10th or they will be considered a donation to the PTSA.
  8. Should the PTSA receive an NSF check, a service fee in the amount of $ 25 will be charged in addition to any fees imposed by the PTSA’s bank. If the NSF check or checks are not paid for by June 1, then the PTSA will not accept any checks from this individual in the future. If more than 2 NSF checks are received from the same individual during the fiscal year, the PTSA will not accept further checks from the individual responsible.


Legal Documents

  1. The PTSA shall maintain two legal documents binders maintained by the president and the treasurer. All elected officers shall have access to the contents of the legal documents binders.


Volunteer Recognition

  1. One or more Golden Acorn awards may be presented annually to an outstanding volunteer(s). A committee appointed by the president shall select the recipient(s). The board of directors shall determine the number of recipients.
  2. One or more Outstanding Advocate awards or Outstanding Student Advocate awards may be presented annually to recognize advocacy work on behalf of children and youth. A committee appointed by the president shall select the recipient(s). The board of directors shall determine the number of recipients.
  3. One or more Outstanding Educator awards may be presented annually to an outstanding teacher or educator. A committee appointed by the president shall select the recipient(s). The board of directors shall determine the number of recipients.
  4. An Honorary Life Membership award may be presented annually to an individual who has made a significant contribution to the growth and development of PTSA. A committee appointed by the president shall select the recipient.


Voting Delegates to Council (if applicable)

  1. This PTSA is a member of the Issaquah PTSA Council and has up to 4 votes on council business. The president shall submit to the council the names and positions of the voting delegates and alternates, as determined by the board of directors.


WSPTSA Convention

  1. Gibson Ek PTSA will send as many voting delegates and as many visiting delegates to the WSPTSA convention as the budgeted amount for convention can support. All delegates for the WSPTSA convention shall be selected by the board of directors. Registration and hotel shall be paid for by Gibson Ek PTSA. Persons attending convention paid for by the PTSA will submit to the board of directors a summary on notes and handouts from the classes and general sessions


WSPTSA Legislative Assembly

  1. The Gibson Ek PTSA will send as many voting delegates and as many visiting delegates to the WSPTSA legislative assembly as the budgeted amount will sustain. Registration, hotel and WSPTSA meal fees shall be paid for by Gibson Ek PTSA. The legislative chair for Gibson Ek PTSA will be one of the voting delegates representing the PTSA at the legislative assembly; the rest of the voting delegates will be determined by the board of directors. Individuals attending the assembly paid for by Gibson Ek PTSA will submit a board report about the legislative assembly.