Jul 21
Aug 1
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Opportunities Timeframe Questions? Needed
Volunteers (General Volunteer)
Please sign up to be on our General Volunteer list. As volunteer opportunities arise, we will send notices to this list first. You may also be contacted to help find a specific role for you. Thank you for supporting Gibson Ek HS.
Volunteers (General Volunteer)
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Nominating Committee (Nominating Committee Member)
The nominating committee works together to secure a slate of executive board members (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary) voted on for the upcoming school year. The earlier in the year this committee can start, the more chance to find excellent candidates for the Executive Board.
Nominating Committee (Nominating Committee Member)
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Community Communications (Webmaster)
Maintain Website (Our School Pages). This is where people buy memberships, find out about volunteer opportunities, and read articles. The webmaster will also maintain the PTSA calendar on OSP and Google Calendar. The webmaster may take on some Google Admin roles as well. Attend Monthly Board Meetings When Possible To Be In The Know of Website Updates (May get appropriate information from the Communications Chair)
Community Communications (Webmaster)
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Membership (Membership Committee)
We're looking for one or two people who can help with a Fall Membership Drive. Meet with the Board, create online and in-person marketing strategies, and track and advertise success in increasing our PTSA Membership.
Membership (Membership Committee)
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Community Communications (Communications Coordinator )
Attend PTSA Board meetings and gather information for sharing throughout our community. Lead efforts to expand communication both internally and externally, to improve community engagement. Work with Newsletter Editor, Social/Digital Media communicators, and others to optimize our communications between Parents, Students, Staff, Advisors, and Community members.
Community Communications (Communications Coordinator )
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Community Communications (Newsletter Editor)
Will create a monthly newsletter for the PTSA to send to all members. A template has been created and the Newsletter Editor can often count on others to write (or edit) content, but overall formatting and ordering will be primarily the responsibility of the Editor. Will work with the Communications Coordinator to plan content and timing. Our newsletter is published through Constant Contact. Familiarity is a plus but NOT necessary.
Community Communications (Newsletter Editor)
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Community Communications (Social Media/Digital Communications)
Coordinate and implement the PTSA's social media communications, optimizing the use of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms to reach a variety of target audiences. Will work with the Communications Coordinator and other members of the Communications Team. Great role for Student Member!
Community Communications (Social Media/Digital Communications)
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Outreach (Outreach)
Communicates to the community the needs & programs related to the outreach efforts run through the Issaquah PTA Council. Outreach includes programs such as Issaquah Food Bank programs, School Break Food projects, various projects for students in need. Manages projects related to such.
Outreach (Outreach)
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Volunteers (Volunteer Cordinator)
Contact potential volunteers for specific needs, or direct them to programs that meet their skill sets. Regular phone calls and emails to connect people to programs throughout the school year. Volunteer Coordinator should attend monthly Board meetings (or provide a report before and read minutes after) so they can be informed of current needs.
Volunteers (Volunteer Cordinator)
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Parent Groups (101 Parent Organizer)
The 101 Parent Support Group is for parents of new Gibson Ek students, designed for connection, support, and education. Learn more about how to navigate this different education environment, how to support your student and yourselves through some uncertainty, and just have fun sharing social time with other parents who are "going through" the same thing (in their own way.) This role is for someone to coordinate dates and times for events specifically for parents who are new to Gibson Ek. Connection, education, support. This "organizer" will have support from the Board for educational topics, speakers, etc., but will also have free reign to create ways for new parents to connect socially.
Parent Groups (101 Parent Organizer)
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Senior Celebration Committee (301 Parent Committee Member)
The Senior Celebration Committee would like one (or two) 301 Parents to be directly involved in the committee each year so that they can move into the leadership of the committee the following year when their student becomes a 401. Having this position in place will make the next year's committee better prepared to start the year off strong. Volunteers for this position should have the intention of continuing to be on the committee, or chair it, the following school year.
Senior Celebration Committee (301 Parent Committee Member)
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Senior Celebration Committee (Chair)
One or more chairpersons (generally 401 parents) to guide the work of planning events and special recognition for our graduating seniors throughout their final year. Works directly with students and staff in planning.
Senior Celebration Committee (Chair)
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Senior Celebration Committee (Committee Member)
Works with Chair on planning and implementing events and special recognition for graduating seniors throughout the year. Extra volunteers beyond the committee will be recruited as needed for events.
Senior Celebration Committee (Committee Member)
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Staff Appreciation (Staff Appreciation Volunteer)
Volunteers will help the committee implement little (and not so little) shows of appreciation for our incredible Gibson Ek advisors and other staff members. This includes the events for the start of school, holidays, staff appreciation week, and end of school, plus monthly lunches at staff meetings. Committee plans and encourages student and parent participation in all events devoted to honoring our Gibson Ek staff. Being a Staff Appreciation volunteer can be as big or as small a commitment as you need it to be. Many hands make light work. You can always sign up to bring items for events without being an official volunteer.
Staff Appreciation (Staff Appreciation Volunteer)
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Leadership (Vice President )
The Vice President serves on the Executive Board. They attend all Board Meetings (monthly) and Executive Board Meetings (as needed -more early and late in the school year). The VP's only designated "job" is to lead these meetings when the President is not available. But on a more practical basis, the VP also contributes ideas and efforts to effectuate new and growing initiatives that the Board takes on. This is a GREAT role for someone who wants to be "in on everything" but also wants to contribute where their strengths are (because they can choose which programs to contribute to. The Vice President is an elected position at the beginning of the year but can be selected by the rest of the Board if there is a mid-year resignation. (As of Nov. 2022, we are searching for a replacement VP for the rest of the year -- and possibly next -- due to ours moving on to bigger things!)
Leadership (Vice President )
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Advisory Support (Advisory Parent)
Is a primary parent contact for a particular Advisor. Coordinates with that Advisor to support their classroom (Advisory) or classes (D- and C-Labs) as necessary. This will look different for each Advisor, so a willingness to work together and coordinate is essential. Ideas include: getting parent help for parties or student acknowledgments or stocking the popcorn, reaching out to parents in the Adviory or Lab to get volunteer or supply help, reaching out to the PTSA for larger needs, and disseminating information to and from the PTSA. Advisory Parent Coordinator may give input or provide support to individual Advisory Parents.
Advisory Support (Advisory Parent)
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Advisory Support (Advisory Parent Coordinator)
Advisory Parent Coordinator may give input or provide support to individual Advisory Parents. APC may serve as a defacto Advisory Parent to Advisors who have limited needs or do not have an individual volunteer. APC should attend Board Meetings and GMMs when possible. ((An Advisory Parent is a primary contact for a particular Advisor. Coordinates with that Advisor to support their classroom (Advisory) or classes (D- and C-Labs) as necessary. This will look different for each Advisor, so a willingness to work together and coordinate is essential. Ideas include: getting parent help for parties or student acknowledgments or stocking the popcorn, reaching out to parents in the Adviory or Lab to get volunteer or supply help, reaching out to the PTSA for larger needs, and disseminating information to and from the PTSA. ))
Advisory Support (Advisory Parent Coordinator)
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Events (Event Coordinator)
An on-the-fly position for gathering resources (volunteers, donations, etc.) for small, generally in-school, events.
Events (Event Coordinator)
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Events (Foodie)
Provide food, drinks, and/or service items for events. Alternately, attend events to help with food service. Food Handlers permit (short class, $10) may be required. Fee paid by PTSA if approved in advance.
Events (Foodie)
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Grants (Grant Review Committee)
One or two PTSA volunteers to participate on the school-led Grant Review Committee. The grant review process is still being defined, but this will likely require 2-4 meetings per year with detailed reviews of grant requests according to a defined rubric. The committee will make recommendations to the PTSA Board regarding grant funding and follow-up.
Grants (Grant Review Committee)
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Grants (Grants Marketing)
The role is twofold: Develop and implement ways to communicate Grant availability and process to staff and students of Gibson Ek AND document successes of various projects and activities as they progress. Will work with PTSA Board regularly. Board meeting attendance as needed.
Grants (Grants Marketing)
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Events (Photographer)
Attends PTSA-sponsored events and photographs happenings for use in future communications (Newsletter, Social Media, etc.) Events vary in location and timing, so a team of photographers will help make this job a breeze - just attend what you can and post pictures to a shared drive!
Events (Photographer)
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Events (Set up/decorator )
Provide and/or coordinate decorations and supplies for events. You do not have to commit to all events. Some availability and flexibility to help as needed. A little creative energy is the big need here.
Events (Set up/decorator )
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